Exquisite* Applications to make your day to day life easier


May 16th, 2010

Dear Technorati, this new claim method seems silly. Using a hidden file seems more practical, and shall we say, a bit more discrete?

In any case, here is the token: 2U8SSJK4WRH9

NANObrook has a blog

May 16th, 2010

Well, after all this time without a blog for the main website, now was as good a time as any to create one (as if I did not have too many already). This may also be the opportunity to consolidate a few blogs, like the one for Wines Organizer, here.

With the upcoming launch of Recipy, I needed a place to post news about this new product, so this will be the place.

I know, the plan was to create an online version first, and that’s what Recipes Organizer was for. And in good times, that online version will come to be, but for now, the iPad was so compelling, that writing the application there first made sense.

So, there you have it.